GrabrFi has partnered with Ruul to make invoicing and collecting payments easier than ever for freelancers worldwide!. You get paid in US dollars, your clients can pay with a card or bank transfer in local currency or US dollars
⭐Invoice clients anywhere, get paid worldwide!
⭐Clients can pay in their local currency, You get paid in US dollars.
⭐No more manual invoice and payments, automate your freelancer life
Here's the tutorial on how to start:
First you need to add GrabrFi as a payment method.
Sign up to your account on ruul and click on “payment Accounts” > “add new”
2- Select United stated as “country of the account”, USD as the currency, and “other” as a bank, Lastly type grabrFi as “bank name” and add your account information
Now your account is now ready to automatically receive payments of your clients, directly in USD
3- Now that your payment account has been settled, you can invoice your clients by clicking on “invoices” tab
4- Fill all the information for your client and select your GrabrFi account on “you’ll collect payment in” and make sure the currency of the invoice is in USD.
Why use Ruul + GrabrFi?
⭐ Invoice clients anywhere, get paid worldwide! |
⭐ Clients pay in their local currency, you get paid in USD. |
⭐ Automate your freelance life. |