Who Can Send Me a Wire Transfer? Complete Guide

Domestic Wire Transfers (US)

Domestic wire transfers are a type of transfer that allows you to move money between accounts within the US quickly. Here’s who can send you these types of transfers:

  • Personal Accounts: You can receive wire transfers from personal accounts that are in your name.

  • Business Accounts: You can also receive wire transfers from business accounts, only if they are related to services provided, work, or payroll.

It is important to note that third-party transfers are not accepted for depositing funds into your account. This means that if a third party wishes to send you money, they must use another type of transfer, such as ACH transfers or internal transfers, which are free.

International Wire Transfers SWIFT

Incoming SWIFT transfers allow for the deposit of funds from accounts outside the US. However, similar to domestic wire transfers, they have the following restrictions:

  • Allowed Accounts: You can receive funds from personal accounts that you own, and business accounts related to services provided, work, or payroll. Third-party transfers are not accepted for depositing funds into your account.

Ensure that the accounts used for these types of transactions meet the aforementioned requirements; otherwise, the payment could be returned to the originating account.

Learn more about SWIFT transfers in the following article:

¿How to fill out the swift form for successful incoming transactions?

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