What are the fees to withdraw earnings from platforms to your GrabrFi account?

You can withdraw your earnings in US dollars from platforms to your GrabrFi account without currency conversion. 

Most platforms offer direct bank transfers for free. On GrabrFi's side, we do not charge for incoming ACH bank transfers. Here are the fees for some popular platforms.


$0.39 USD fixed fee (regardless of amount) to withdraw from your Wise US dollar account to GrabrFi

If you have money in other currencies on Wise, you can convert it to US dollars and withdraw it to your GrabrFi account. Wise charges a low fee for conversions that varies depending on the currencies, you'll see it before agreeing to proceed.


Local bank transfers: $0 USD

Learn more: https://help.letsdeel.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7338494928913-How-to-withdraw-money-from-Deel


USD to USD withdrawal: 1.50 USD

Note: Your billing address on Payoneer has to be a US address for the $1.5 USD payout fee to apply. Otherwise, Payoneer charges a fee of up to 2% of the payout amount.

Learn more: https://www.payoneer.com/about/fees/


Bank transfer in USD ($): no fees

Note: You may have to change your listing(s) to US dollars and add a new payout method in US dollars.

Learn more: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/425

Here's a step by step guide about how to add your GrabrFi account to Airbnb.


Payout to bank account: no fee

Note: you may have to change the currency for your product or service to US dollars.

Learn more: https://stripe.com/docs/payouts


Bank account: no fee (when no currency conversion is involved)

Learn more: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees#TransfersOutOfPayPal

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