General terms
Payment provider
GrabrFi uses Bamboo Payment Systems to process in-app top ups to your GrabrFi account and withdrawals to local currency.
Processing time
Transactions may take up to 2 business days to complete after it's initiated, depending on your country, local currency and payment method. You'll see the cutoff time for a same day top up or withdrawal for your country in advance.
Exchange rate finalization
The exchange rate is finalized at the time you initiate a top up to your GrabrFi account or withdraw to local currency. If the exchange rate has changed, you'll be notified and will need to accept and agree to the change to proceed.
Additional documents request
Our support team may request additional documents from you or the recipient regardless of the top up or withdrawal amount. This can include a copy of your ID or proof of the source of the funds.
Security and data protection
Our payment provider uses industry standard security protocols and complies with financial regulations. Your financial data is handled carefully, under applicable data protection practices and laws.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
For account security, in-app top ups and withdrawals must be confirmed by multi-factor authentication.
Unsupported countries
Due to regulatory and compliance reasons, we are unable to offer in-app top ups and withdrawals to local currency in these following countries:
If you are in one of these countries, you can still use bank transfers and third party platforms to top up your GrabrFi account or withdraw to local currency.
We reserve the right to modify this list in the future if needed.
Terms for in-app top ups to your GrabrFi account
Pay with local currency
Customers in supported countries can top up their GrabrFi account in US dollars by paying with local currency.
Currency conversion
Our payment provider will convert the local currency you paid to US dollars at the exchange rate shown to you in advance. This rate includes all applicable fees and taxes.
Topping up your account
We will add the top up to your GrabrFi account in US dollars once your payment has been received in full.
Top up processing time
Most top ups are added within 24 hours after the payment is successfully received. In some cases, this can take up to 3 business days.
Top up cancellation
GrabrFi reserves the right to cancel a top up at any time, for any reason prior to adding the amount to your account. In such cases, we will refund the amount paid in local currency to your payment method. (Note: the payment processing fees paid to our provider may not be refunded, depending on the circumstances.)
Payment expiration
Due to possible changes in the exchange rate, payments in local currency must be received before a certain time or they may be cancelled. If this happens, you'll receive a refund minus any fees.
Top up cancellation
Once we have received payment, a top up can only be canceled by contacting our support team. In these cases, we will not be able to refund the payment processing fee.
In-app top up limits
Maximum amount for each top up:: $1.000,00 USD
Daily maximum amount: $1.000,00 USD
Monthly maximum amount: $15.000 USD
Yearly maximum amount: $180.000 USD
The above limits vary and can be lower depending on factors including your country, local currency and payment method. Higher monthly limits may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Terms for withdrawals to local currency
How withdrawals work
When you initiate a withdrawal, the amount in US dollars will be transferred from your GrabrFi account to our platform account, to be processed and converted by our payment provider.
Exchange rate for currency conversion
Our payment processor will convert the amount you paid in US dollars to local currency at the exchange rate shown to you in advance. This rate includes all taxes and fees.
Withdrawals to local currency
After converting the US dollars to local currency, our payment provider will send this amount to the receiving bank you entered.
Withdrawal fee
A fee of $10 USD applies to each in-app withdrawal to local currency.
Withdrawal cancellation
GrabrFi reserves the right to cancel a withdrawal at any time, for any reason prior to the withdrawal being sent to the receiving bank. In such cases, we will refund the US dollars you paid back to your GrabrFi account.
Withdrawals rejected by the receiving bank
Customers are responsible for entering bank details correctly. If a withdrawal is sent and rejected by the receiving bank, you'll receive a refund of the amount you paid in US dollars, minus the withdrawal fee.
Cancellation request
Customers can request a cancellation after initiating a withdrawal. However, a cancellation is not guaranteed and may only be granted if the withdrawal has not been processed by our payment provider yet. If your cancellation is granted, you'll receive a full refund of the amount you paid in US dollars.
Limits for in-app withdrawals to local currency
Maximum amount for each withdrawal: $1.000,00 USD
Daily maximum amount: $2.000,00 USD
Monthly maximum amount: $15.000 USD
Yearly maximum amount: $180.000 USD
The above limits vary and can be lower depending on factors including your country, local currency and payment method. Higher monthly limits may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Cutoff times for same day withdrawals
México: 01:00 pm (GMT-6)
Colombia:12:00 pm (GMT-5)
Perú:11:00 am (GMT-5)
Argentina: 10:00 am (GMT-3)
Uruguay: 10:00 am (GMT-3)
Brazil: Almost instant with PIX
In-app top ups and withdrawals business sector prohibitions
GrabrFi is unable to process in-app top ups, withdrawals and payments related to any of the business sectors listed below:
Adult content, including, but not limited to, pornographic goods and services, activities related to adult entertainment, or escort and/or dating services. In particular, products and services involving minors, violence, humiliation, BDSM, zoophilia.
Chemical products, including the supply, sale or distribution of chemical products.
Pharmaceuticals and/or medications/drugs, including the facilitation, sale or distribution of general medications and prescription drugs.
Dietary supplements, including the facilitation, sale, or distribution of dietary supplements.
Activities related to illegal drugs and/or substances designed to mimic illegal drugs (including herbal smoking blends and herbal incense).
Activities related to marijuana and/or hallucinogenic mushrooms, including the creation, facilitation, sale or distribution of these products or paraphernalia, regardless of whether or not such sale is legal in the jurisdiction in which the client operates or in its jurisdiction.
Alcoholic beverages, including the facilitation, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
Tobacco products and electronic cigarettes, including the facilitation, sale, or distribution of tobacco products.
Weapons, including the facilitation, sale or distribution of firearms, ammunition or other weapons, military or semi-military goods.
Activities related to foreign governments.
Unregulated or inadequately licensed financial services (e.g. financial institutions, money services businesses, money transfers, stock trading, currency traders, etc.) - Financial services with an inadequate AML/CFT system.
Binary Options.
Cryptocurrencies or digital assets, including companies that facilitate the creation, sale, distribution, custody or exchange of cryptocurrencies or digital assets.
Gambling activities (casinos, gambling establishments, lotteries, online gambling).
Precious metals or precious stones, including the facilitation, sale, distribution or exchange of jewelry, precious metals or stones.
Fortune tellers, tarot readers, horoscope readers and psychics.
Merchants involved in any form of deceptive marketing practices, including but not limited to hidden disclosures, false claims, refund/cancellation evasion.
Telemarketing or multi-level marketing activities, pyramid selling or Ponzi schemes and any other "get rich quick" schemes.
Activities related to violence, including the creation, facilitation, sale, or distribution of any material promoting violence, hatred, racism, or religious persecution.
Goods or services that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties, as well as illegal telecommunications devices (cable or satellite TV decoders).
Merchants who cross-sell other merchants' products and then share cardholder data with the third party or receive cardholder data from third parties.
Merchants engaging in any type of activity prohibited by the card brands.
Illegal activities of any kind.